Unfinished Business

Surely we all know that ecstatic feeling of accomplishing something? How you truly feel on top of the world to complete something for yourself from start to finish. Despite the deserved highs and the smug warmth that fills you, is it just me, or do we not allow ourselves to feel this enough?

There are so many things I want to achieve in life, things that I always fully believe I will get around to doing, but as time goes on I can hear the ticking of the clock piercing my eardrums, putting pressure on my brain. People say the first step is the hardest. That sometimes just admitting to yourself what you need to do and actually getting off your ass is a huge accomplishment. Well, where is my honorary degree because I start doing a few things on my list every single week.

So, I’m calling bullshit. I for one need to organise my creative thoughts and stop having numerous things on the go. I seem to get to the 2-5% mark and then begin something new. Like being a certified juggler makes me a better me. Ironically, what will make me grow and flourish is closure.

So here I am, being open and honest with the technologically advanced world, with a plan to share all of my creativity, wholly and completely.

Art – Poetry – Fiction Photography – Life